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Overview of our adventure

i/o school is an experiment in free and open source computer science education. It is based heavily on the existing work of the Node School and Cyber Wizard Institute curiculuums. We're making this up as we go, if you have feedback please let us know at ioschool/discussions.

During our i/o school journey, we will be learning how to harness signals and pixels to produce magic, art and mad science. While there isn't an explicit focus on learning for the sake of being hired in industry, rest assured that if you become proficient at what is being taught, you will ascend to a higher level with more than enough skills to pay the bills.

While programming can be done in a multitude of languages across many platforms, we will be focusing on Javascript (using io.js (a spork of Node.js)) on Unix or web based environments.

Gearing up for the journey ahead

To begin, we first need a computer that runs Unix (Linux or Mac OS). If you have Windows, we will help you install Linux - but you have to be willing to have Linux!

Then, you need to follow our guide to install io.js.

Next, you need a Text Editor. If you don't have one already, you may want one for editing code. A few options: Atom Sublime Text, Light Table, TextMate, Brackets.

Starting on your way

Choose your course and see what happens. If you're new, start at the beginning and skip as desired.